haydn-golden-qFpIQMc33VM-unsplFancy a coffee?

Lets face it, we all need one (or maybe tea is your thing?) from time to time and there are regular coffee dates run by members of our church family.  A great place to relax, chat to new people or old friends, or just sit quietly and enjoy a cup or two.

Regular dates include

Walton coffee morning, Thursday mornings each week for coffee, snacks and a 'thought for the day' at 10.30 am in Holy Trinity Walton

Wednesday mornings, on the first Wednesday of each month at 10.30 am, for 'CAMEO' (Come and meet each other) in Compton Dundon village hall

'Connections@themission' monthly, on the third Thursday afternoon 2.30 - 4pm, for tea. cake and an activity or talk, in the Mission Church

Check out the calendar and just come along, you would be most welcome.  Contact us if you want to know more.